Saturday, July 10, 2010

AR Description and I May Use It

Research Action is centered on how we can change instruction to engage students. It is a process of descussion and examinatin of issues or concerns of colleagues. Teachers and principlas search for ways to improve student achievment, improve and keep instruction current and resolve problems that occure in school regularly. Simply put, Action Research is studying and researching what is going on in our school and collaborativly deciding on how to improvev it. This can be done by indentifying the problem, developing and applying an Action Research Plan, gathering and examining findings, and evaluating and discussing results. I can utilize Action Research by first determining a classroom learning problem - student's lack of interest and motivation to learn and stay in school and how Work-Based Learning can help. Next, I would research how Work-Based Learning can decrease dropout rates, motivate students, improve scores, help students prepare for their future and see value in their education. Now I would develop a plan of action with a team of teacher. We could take our findings from the research and determine our best options for carrying out of WBL program. Now we will assess our efforts int he WBL program and continue to collect data to determine improvements. If positive results are not determined we will reevaluate our plan and make changes as needed.


  1. I like your suggestions for ways that educators can use blogs. I agree that it's a great format for honesty and idea sharing without feeling too vulnerable. I am also eager to begin using action research because as you mentioned- it's a great way to find out the needs of your school and how to improve. Good luck!

  2. I'm piggy-backing on the Jennifer's comment. If a campus of educators are aware to the other action research being conducted, it can serve as a tremendous encouragement. I'm speaking from the experience of watching the same teachers put in the time I thought all teachers put in to evaluate pedagogy, while others beat the students out the door. I'm speaking of the attitude, not the actual action because I know many parents must pick up children from daycare. To end on a positive, I think the sharing part of action research will encourage teachers on campus as evidence to positive changes in education taking place on their campus.
